AFA Movers

Tips For Moving With Pets: The Ultimate Guide

When you move to a new home, it’s not just you that’s adjusting, as your pets are, too. Moving can be overwhelming and stressful for them. 

What they don’t know is what’s going on and why everything that is familiar is being boxed up. But with a little bit of planning and some pet specific strategies, you can ease the transition for them, and for you. 

Here are some tips for moving with pets that will help keep your furry companions calm and comfortable during the move.

1. Preparation for Your Pet’s Comfort and Safety

Planning ahead is the key to a successful move with pets. If you’re moving your pet, think about the logistics of keeping your pet on moving day before the move. 

This is a chaotic time, doors open and close, strangers (movers) in and out, and boxes everywhere. 

  • Create a safe space: 

Decide on a quiet room in your home right now where you can put your pet while you pack everything. 

Give them familiar items like their bed, favorite toys, food, and water. It will provide them with a safe space in the chaos.

  • Consider boarding them: 

If your pet is especially anxious or you don’t want to risk their safety on moving day, consider boarding your pet at a pet hotel, or leaving them with a trusted friend or family member. 

It can give you peace of mind that they’re safe and being taken care of during the move.

2. Update Your ID and Microchip Information

Pets can be unpredictable; even the calmest of animals might get spooked by all the changes during a move. The right ID tags and microchip information can save your pet’s life if, for some reason, he or she slips out of sight.

It’s always better to hire reputable residential movers to assist you, as they know how to handle pets without causing any problems. 

  • Check and update their ID tags: 

Make sure their collar has up-to-date contact information, including your phone number and address.

  • Update microchip details: 

If your pet is microchipped, call the microchip company or go online to update your contact information. That way, if your pet does get lost, it’ll be much easier to reunite with them.

Tips For Moving With Pets: The Ultimate Guide

3. Early Introduce Your Pet to Moving Supplies

Your pet may feel very unfamiliar to your home when you’re moving boxes, packing tape, and other supplies. Introduce these items gradually to them so they don’t feel overwhelmed.

  • Let them explore: 

Before you start packing, allow your pet to sniff and inspect the boxes and moving supplies. This will make them used to the new items and the process won’t be so scary.

  • Keep a routine: 

Keep your pet’s feeding, walking and playtime routine as much as possible. Helping them feel grounded when everything else seems to be changing is consistency.

4. Keep Calm During the Move

It’s not only humans who find moving days stressful; pets can be affected, too. Packing, movers, and strangers in their territory can all add to their anxiety. 

Pets are intuitive and will often sense the stress in the room around them and that’s why it’s so important to create a calm environment.

  • Use calming aids: 

To help your pet cope with their anxiety, consider using calming sprays, treats or even calming vests. But there are natural calming aids available which can help calm pets when they are stressed.

  • Talk to your vet: 

Your veterinarian might recommend consulting if your pet is particularly anxious. They may also suggest a sedative or some other means of keeping your pet calm on a moving day.

5. Get Your Pet Used to the Carrier or Car

Before the move, begin getting your pet used to riding in a car or traveling in a carrier, if your pet isn’t used to traveling in a carrier or riding in a car. If your pet isn’t used to traveling, a long car ride can be especially stressful.

  • Practice car rides: 

Take your pet on short car rides to help them get comfortable with traveling. Gradually increase the length of the trips to prepare them for the longer journey on a moving day.

6. Introduce Your Pet to the New Home Slowly

Once you arrive at your new home, resist the urge to let your pet roam freely right away. The new environment can be overwhelming, and it’s better to introduce them to one room at a time.

  • Set up a familiar space: 

Choose one room where your pet can feel safe and secure. Set up their bed, toys, and other familiar items in this room. This will help them feel more comfortable as they adjust to the new surroundings.

  • Let them explore at their own pace: 

Once they have settled into their designated room, gradually introduce them to the rest of the house. Keep an eye on their behavior and let them explore when they seem ready.

7. Re-establish Routines in the New Home

Pets thrive on routine. The sooner you can re-establish their normal daily schedule in the new home, the better they’ll adjust to the move. Routines give them a sense of security and predictability in an otherwise unfamiliar situation.

  • Stick to regular feeding and play times: 

Keeping the same feeding, walking, and playtime schedule will help your pet feel like things are normal, even in the new environment.

Why Choose AFA Movers When Moving with Pets

AFA Movers ensures a smooth, pet-friendly move by prioritizing your pets’ comfort and safety. Our team is experienced in handling the unique challenges of moving with pets, offering tailored services to minimize stress. 

We create safe, quiet spaces for your pets during the move and provide guidance on the best ways to keep them calm. 

With AFA Movers, you can trust that your pets will be in good hands, allowing you to focus on settling into your new home with peace of mind.